ETN used to be the best coach service in Mexico. Not anymore.
Competing bus lines have beefed up their infrastructure and become the way of most things 'global': cookie-cutter. But in this case, that's a good thing because, being a Third World nation, it's a step up for Mexico. What you or I may take for granted e.g., punctuality, clearly advertised prices, clean and clean-smelling interiors, stocked bathroom and, lately, wifi onboard, has gradually become the new norm for Mexican bus travel which, unlike, America, is still extremely popular. You'd think by it being so popular and with so many competing companies that service and amenities would already be the bee's knees but that's Mexico for you: if it's already like this, then that's the way it's supposed to be.
Primera Plus bus is on par with, if not better than, ETN and offers lower pricesFor years ETN buses was ahead with big, comfortable reclining seats, complimentary snack lunches, clean His & Her toilets, personal entertainment (you plugged in the headphones IF you wanted to hear the movie/music), and, judging by the spotless collars and neckties, apparently higher standards for their operators. The tickets, naturally costed, more. But ETN is no more the most lujoso (luxurious) -- yet their prices remain the same. The drivers aren't the smartest in appearance and the provided service and comfort is not worth the extra hundreds of pesos they charge.

Primera Plus bus, for one, is on par with, if not better than, ETN - with an equally expansive list of destinations, on-board comforts - and, more importantly, Primera Plus offers lower prices! For example, a long trip from Mexico City-Puerto Vallarta (direct) via ETN costs $1,230 while the same trek via Primera Plus is $1025; Futurama charges about $1045. The lujo of the latter two companies is not beneath expensive ETN's. Neither the wi-fi nor the reading lights worked. Knowing this, barring a time-table and specific destination not served by any other company, I won't bother travelling on ETN. It's just not worth it.
For the bus drivers, customer service ain't part of their job descriptions; it's to drive the bus safelyWhere all the companies still lack, however, is the establishment of rider rules or etiquette, and un-hindered communication with the driver. There are no announced or written reminders to refrain from disturbing fellow passengers with loud conversations, personal audio devices, objects in the aisle. Mexican parents even allow their brats to shout and run up and down the aisle. They certainly don't attempt to hush them. The only 'common-sense' activity noticeably absent is cigarette-smoking! Communication with the driver is hindered by a door which physically and visually separates him from us. Plus it opens out toward the driver so you can imagine how awkward that is. Thus, if it's too cold or hot - and it's most always too cold - or the volume from the overhead speakers is too loud or some passenger is being obnoxious, then, sadly - and frustratingly - you're shit out of luck. The operators also refuse to activate overhead reading lights because, naturally, who wants to read a book on a long ride?! For the bus drivers, customer service ain't part of their job descriptions; it's to drive the bus safely.
barring a specific destination not served by any other company, I won't bother travelling on ETN. It's just not worth itSafety is important but so is having a stress-free environment. For us as well as the driver.
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