Translation for 140 languages by ALS
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


Semana Santa. WWJD ?

Semana Santa in Vallarta is Mardi Gras redux. There is nothing "holy" or solemn or remotely dignified about Easter in Vallarta. And not just here either. I've been in other Mexican cities during religious holidays (Xmas, Three King's Day, Passover, Saint someone or other) and the people celebrate wilder than they do on, say, Cinco de Mayo; and behave more buckwild raunchy than at a stag party.
Sin boldly, not flagrantly
It coincides with Spring Break where, yes, everyone cuts loose, as annually pimped out by MTV, but Americans have enough shame and marketing panache  to call it 'Spring Break'. Could you imagine any place seriously promoting un-Christian nastiness for a decidedly Christian weekend:

Get your Easter freak on! 
2x1 tequila shots & beer bong contest. 
Hot gogo dancers where the party never stops!

Decadence can be delicious but I draw the line at playing church.
And don't give me that "spiritual" bullshit. There's nothing spiritual about doping up so you can go on the prowl or dick down as many strangers as possible. Defiling our bodily temples in the guise of rejoicing unto the Lord. Talk about gall and short-attention span! Sin boldly, not flagrantly. What would Jesus do? The blessed bastard certainly wouldn't be celebrating Semana Santa (in Pto. Vallarta)!

   This is Puerto Vallarta 2013

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