The bulk of my stay in Paris was clouded over with grey skies, rain, and predictably cold weather. But the last two days were unseasonably warm and sunny. So...since my bus (Euroline) didn't leave until nighttime I decided to take a stroll through the famous city, and see if I couldn't fall in love with it.

I started with Notre Dame. Entrance is free - after all it IS a church - and I walked the whole circumference. Sooooo many statues and altars and saints this-and-that and the architecture - the architecture! - is jaw-dropping amazing. It is a marvel to take in. From there I strolled to the little park behind the church and sat down for a little bit. Then walked across the bridge covered with people's locks. I think they are 'love' locks meant to symbolize couple's devotion to one another. Interesting but a bit too kitch for my tastes (last week I noticed the same fad growing on Frankfurt's famous bridge).
I didn't enter the museum but I did walk through the Louvre's court yard and saw the enigmatic glass pyramid structure. Then onto the gardens with sculptures and tiny bush mazes. If you walk inside the bushes you won't find any rabbit hole but you will be amazed at the sheer litter of used condoms. Rubbers, rubbers, rubbers everywhere! I'm short so crouching through was not so difficult but I find it hard to imagine so many (short) people regard this as the perfect spot to screw...but there lay the evidence. So much for romance!
On the way back to the subway I could see the Eiffel Tower. I went to it last year so didn't feel up to walking to it (but it would've taken, maybe, fifteen minutes to reach it on foot) I was hungry. Then a woman bent down and shouted, "Oh! I found a gold ring!" Indeed. I saw her reach down but didn't see her pick up anything. When she kept trying to give it to me I knew something was fishy.
- No one in the history of mankind and the world has EVER given away gold
- A poor person does not give away valuables to perfect strangers
- This girl was a Gypsy -- and Gypsies ARE full of shit
- This author is not a fool
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