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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


MEMORIES. Michelangelo & Mapplethorpe (Florence)


I saw one of the most recognizable wonders of the word: Michelangelo's David. Entrance to the museum cost 10€ and a line was already formed by the time I got there. But the line moved along at a nice pace and I
believe I was inside in under half an hour. There are many other things to see in the Galleria dell'Accademia but I, like most people in line, was really only there for viewing the David. For one thing, the statue is ENORMOUS. It is giant-sized and utterly amazing. The feet, the legs, hands, stomach, head, and,owing to the proportion of the masterpiece, even the tiny penis is big . Note: no fig leaf was in place. It is easy to see why this art piece stunned audiences then and now (probably due to the absence of a fig leaf). 

The David is majestic yet he is presented simply: a young man (with a healthy build, but nothing near 'muscular') with a steady gaze and slingshot over his shoulder. Granted, the piece wouldn't be as unforgettable if David were clothed but nothing grandiose is put forth by his lack of clothing.

During my visit a photography exhibit of American Robert Mapplethorpe was in house, La Perfezione nella Forma (Perfection without Form). Am familiar with Mapplethorpe and know most of his works more than border on the pornographic; this was the first exhibit of his pieces I had seen (outside of books). It was only the four photographs circling the base of the David that arrested my attention.

Whereas Michelangelo's David is white (marble), Mapplethorpe's subject is a black man. While there was nothing similar in the poses the compare and contrast of the two subjects was unavoidable. I thought that was a nice touch.

Galleria dell'Accademia
Florence, Italy

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