Having read an offhand reference to Linzer torte (also spelled as one word) in a recent email I was keen to try this regional delicacy.

Didn't know what to expect from the Linzertorte. For some reason the taste reminded me of spiced Christmas carols. The strudel was not

Mmmm I'll never tell.

Am not a big drinker of beer but Gosser gets high marks from my taste buds. The Austrains have this concoction of lemonade and beer---not making this up---called Radler which has something to do with a bicycle rider.
In the olden days drinking and driving pertained to, well, riding and to keep within the law bicyclists---those cavalier road warriors!---diluted their beers with the ever wholesome lemonade drink thereby transforming it from an evil alcoholic intoxicant into a nice refreshing beverage. Oh brother! Anywho, the drink/drinker association stuck and now whenever I'm near the Austrian land I'll make sure to enjoy a radler (made with Gosser Beer) because I like the lemony sweetness that comes from Gosser.

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