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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


Portland Square Hotel

While in NYC over the weekend I stayed in the Portland Square Hotel on W.47th Street smack between Sixth Avenue (Colony of the Americas) and Seventh Avenue (Broadway). The location is wonderful in as much as one can walk down to the corner and be in the center---Broadway---of the "center of the universe." Somewhere in the vast universe aliens are laughing with me.

The hotel is nice enough and does try to put on a good show of sophistication. The lobby is well decorated in minimalism, the reception staff wear uniforms and are professional (and, thankfully, sans that goddamn awful New Yoik dialect), and my room was comfortable and sufficiently lighted. I had a single room with private bath and, while the room small, the matrimony size bed was absolutely comfortable! On top of that, the bathroom had a tub and I had been wanting to soak in a bath of hot water for weeks on end.

In all I liked the hotel however I think the rates are steep ($126 per night). I also did not like the computer consels available on the first floor. It seemed to me the timer ticked away five minutes faster than actual time which meant one was always conscious of needing to feed the machine another dollar bill.

132 West 47th St.
New York City 10036

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