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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


A pleasant visit to Lincoln Park Zoo

First three days back were frustrating owing to the heavy snowfall which kept me indoors. I catch cabin fever quicker than quick. And, yet, no sooner had I arrived than the temperature started climbing with one day growing a little warmer than the previous one. By Sunday roads were pretty passable and less icy or mushy (although the same couldn't be said for sidewalks), and on Monday it was a pleasant and bright winter day. Too nice to waste indoors.

I decided to visit the Lincoln Park Zoo, one of the few remaining free zoos in the nation. Hadn't been to a zoo in decades! despite being in cities with world famous zoos (e.g., San Diego, San Francisco, Berlin (which has two!), Edinburgh, London, Barcelona, New York City, Paris, etc.) because, hey, once you've seen one exhibit of lions, tigers, apes and pandas you've seen them all.
Unless you have children or a keen interest in zoology what's the draw?
Well, for me, the answer was a pleasant and partly sunny day in cold ass wintry Chicago. I enjoyed it. Here are some snapshots from that visit:

 can you spot the lioness and lion?

 King of the Jungle (exiled)

a third lemur just snatched his lunch



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