Formerly named in honor of Edirne, Turkish city bordering with Bulgaria run by racist passport idiots I've renamed the web log for Canada for the same reason: racist border pigs. As for Rick Steves? He's the gee-golly! douche bag whose travel programs never reflect my experiences. I am a black American and this site is dedicated to the oft overlooked traveller: the black male.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover. ---Mark Twain
A big homemade Sunday breakfast
- The morning looks gorgeous. Am eager to get out and down to the beach before two today. But first things, first: food.
I just made myself a big breakfast befitting a hotel's bill of fare: pancakes with maple syrup and butter, bacon----I loves me some bacon!----whole milk (is there really any other kind?), Chai black tea, orange juice and sliced fresh grapefruit. As the Nazi in Inglourious Basterds squeals, Oooooh! I smiled the whole while. What a beautiful start to what I hope remains a beautiful Sunday.
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¡$20! I Went To the Consulate for Help and All I got was this #@%! Letter
Candide was indifferent, Bartleby, unimpressed, Ishmael, obsessed, Tywain, distraught---and they all got screwed in the end. Now you can wear your patriotic frustration on your chest with an original "Tywain" t-shirt for usd$20, s/h included. Sizes: M,XL,XXL(for the typically obese American). Available in Spincity Blue or Turncoat Red! So if you've received a diplomatic "Piss off" from the friendly consulate, then Paypal order now.
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