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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


Downtowner Inn (Toronto)

The Downtowner Inn is a decent budget hotel/hostel for any budget traveller---veteran backpacker, student, young couple---or someone just passing through. I chose it on two seperate visits to Toronto. This is an establishment where the owners really work to to turn their business into an attractive option for lodgers and where customer service is top priority.

Dorm rates run $23.30. Sweet! The single rooms cost a little more and, along with some smaller dorms, include a television; but all rooms have bathrooms on the inside; there are no communal showers per floor. I only slept in the dorm rooms. The inn provides linen and towel (with soap).
They also have low priced, furnished private student suites.

I like staying here for the many perks and kind staff. The owners really work to to turn their business into an attractive option for lodgers and where customer service is top priority

When I first stayed here in early June the workers were busy refurbishing and putting down carpet---loudly. The place did not appear becoming and I expected nothing beyond a cheap sleep. Add to that the immediate neighborhood of Victorian maisons which now serve as missions for dodgy characters and it is not hard to understand my prejudice. However, everything that one expects operable---telephone, computer, wi-fi connection, kitchen, hot showers---was in working order. Once the dust settled after 24 hours, the place looked loads better and was quieter. Things were even more improved on my second stay in July.

I like staying here for the many perks and kind staff. Four computers with FREE access (plus wi-fi), FREE pancake breakfast, open kitchen and coin laundry, and FREE local calls. Checking in and out is simple, and extending one's stay is hassle free.

Out front is a large space with benches and picnic tables, and the place is just two doors from a popular city park. Downtowner Inn is accessible from public transit; it's situated between two street car stops (Sherborne and College or Dundas Streets)

This is as good a place as any to kick it while trying to figure out why Toronto is supposedly a hot tourist destination. I've been to town a few times now and I still don't get why any non Canadian/Indian/homosexual/vegeterian/marijuana enthusiast/West Indian would enthusiastically elect to call this city home. But what do I know?

117 Pembroke Street
fax: 647.438.8381

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