Translation for 140 languages by ALS
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


52 jobs in 52 weeks

Sean Aiken has the enviable experiencing of test driving, as it were, a different job every week. Not sure of what he wanted to pursue after college---sound familiar?---the Canadian hit upon the idea of hiring himself out to any job offer that would train and employ him for one week. He's working fifty-two jobs in fifty-two weeks. And employers think my resume looks spotty! Well, that's one way to get around the interview question, I see you didn't stay long at your last job(s)?
hiring himself out to any job offer that would train and employ him for one week

Mr Aiken has been travelling all over his beloved Canada working jobs as varied as milking cows to instructing yoga to office desk work to shoveling manure. Shoveling shit doesn't appeal to my sense of adventure but I would be missing the forest for the trees if that is all I saw. This one job a week scheme is awesome! From working a smorkasborg of jobs Mr Aiken reaps a cornacopia of references (networking), hands-on training (experience), publicity as he's appeared on local programming and news shows not to mention print, and travel (adventure).

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if after all of this the man settles on a career in travel writing...or as a "blogger."

Sean's website

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