Translation for 140 languages by ALS
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


Old Town Art Walk (Pto Vallarta)

A particularly attractive and cosmopolitan attraction for anyone in town is the weekly Art Walk held from late Oct. to May 27, 2009 (the season may vary) every Wednesday evening from six to ten. On this evening sixteen associated galleries play hosts to a steady flow of art collectors and visitors as well as introduce amazing artists. Attending an exhibition/cocktail reception is a refined delight: wine, professional art, mingling and, of course, the opportunity to make friends and meet the actual artists.

"I love the serious colors," he told me. "Interesting ones like black and other dark tones."

In January I had the pleasure of having artist Lena Bartula explain to me the meaning behind her work "Dream Interrupted" during the opening of her latest exhibit "Enigmas" at Sol y Luna Gallery. With the purpose behind the painting shared I was able to see pass the contempory-ness to the core of the real image. It is a thrill to look at art (or listen to musice) and get it; that is, to get just what the author aimed to achieve.

Last month I attended three receptions.

Pacifico Galeria presented back-to-back major solo exhibits of its best selling painter Brewster Brockman whose featured works also include sculptures and reflect his grasp of indigenous Mexican imagery or folklore and abstract estetics. A very tall man with a beaming smile you'll be forgiven for mistaking the unassuming artist for one of the guests; but Mr Brockman is approachable and was happy to speak with anyone who stopped in.

The Art Walk is so named because all of the associated galleries are within walking distance of each other. Just a couple of doors down from Pacifico, Quadro Galeria held an opening of its co-founder, architect and painter Aaron Villanueva who retrospectively referred to his exhibit as "The Power of Color." "I love the serious colors," he told me. "Interesting ones like black and other dark tones." The large sized paintings are multilayered mediums whose tactile textures entice the eyes and tempt the fingers to touch.

Meanwhile Galeria Uno held a reception for Francisco Sanmiguel who, in addition to paintings and wooden sculptures, entertained guests with melodies on his woodwind.

The Art Walk promotes national and international talent and is an inspiring and safe buying experience for first time collectors. For a list of the galleries as well as more information on the Art Walk visit its website.

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