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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


Hostel Home (Mexico City)

As a youth hostel in D.F. it is very attractive and affordable with an easy enough location from either of two metro stops (Insurgentes or Sevilla). Insurgentes might be closer but if you're toting serious luggage, then the less congested walk from Sevilla will be more appreciated after riding ass to elbow on the subway. All beds cost the same $120mxn irregardless of length of stay and all are dorm room style.

As of this posting, word has it that said rate will go up soon in response to the country's banks response to America's recession.

I liked the beds here. Very thick mattresses. Although some squeak I manged to snag a quiet one each time. The two showers and three toilets served us well but I can imagine things maybe not flowing so smoothly when more gests are here. Ditto the kitchen. There's free Internet access on the one computer--can't beat free Internet!--and a small exchange library of novels and magazines. Hostel Home has a small and friendly staff who gave me no problems or attitude whatsoever.

I met so many characters here! No other hostel has come close to the colorful assortment of guests that have bedded here...a middle-aged junkie ex-pat, a self-exiled (American)refugee, a porn actor, plus the obligatory young German couples and Austrailian backpackers.

On the downside, the hostel lacks a smoking terrace. Since smokers tend to be inconsiderate of others' breathing space from the start and with most foreigners regarding it bothersome to have to buzz in and out of the place, the smokers generally went to the front room window/balcony façade to suck on cancer, allowing the breeze to make second-hand smokers of the rest of us inside.

No other hostel has come close to the colorful assortment of guests that have bedded here...
Also, the owner, for all of her politeness, came off too money oriented. She smiles because you paid, not because of hospitality. Greed is never attractive. One of the more queer things she did was to put "Afuera de servicio" sign on the perfectly working microwave---in order to deter its usage. Greenpeace, my ass! An unflattering inside name for her developed among some of us.

Calle Tabasco 303
Mexico City (Colonia Roma)
+52 5511.1683

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