Translation for 140 languages by ALS
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover
---Mark Twain


"Mexicans are ignorant"...and proud of it (Guadalajara)

One of the drawbacks of being in Guadalajara is that the majority of Tapatios apparently have never actually seen a black person in person so their reactions are curious and, if you stick around long enough, eventually, off-putting. It would be one thing if I were in a remote spot like the mountains or a one-well pueblo but for a people who like to claim, nay insist, parity with America it is hardly excusable, then, to stare and point at others just because they have different skin color. Nor is it excusable to walk up and actually say, "I like your color," or "I like black people," or "How many inches do you have?" ¿Huh?

Americans don't do that. Mexicans, sí.
I know Tapatios are not racist because each and every one of them says, "Mexicans are not racists."

Although everyone claims the girls here like black men I have never met nor ever been introduced to any such girl. My friends assure me their "friends", who always remain nameless and faceless, exist but like the song says, It's not make believe if you believe it too. I, however, don't buy their make believe. Therefore, when a Mexican tells you, as so many tell me, that he has a friend who likes black men be on guard. Chances are high that he is the "friend". It's the old requesting-information-for-my-friend-ploy. Insegure closet cases! Besides, what Mexican would really invite one of their women to get to know someone else?

Accuse me of generalization, if you please, but machismo is VERY real in this culture.

Don't misunderstand: Tapatios are hospitable yet delusional Third World citizens. But I'm not calling them racist.

Look mommy! A chocolate man!

Far from it. I know Tapatios are not racist because each and every one of them injects the non sequitur "Mexicans are not racists" in conversation. It's just a case of ignorance. I know this too because every Mexican in GDL explains with surreal pride, "Mexicans are not _____(nosey/racist/possesive/dishonest/lazy/selfish/gay/etc). They're just ignorant. That's all."

What a comforting thought. The red, white, green badge of ignorance. Viva NAFTA!

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